M82 in Hα Emission
It is the image using FOCAS (Faint Object Camera and Spectrograph) of the Subaru Telescope.
It compounds as a color image of red, blue, and three green colors.
Blue and green image is observed with visible light,
and red is the image of Hα emission which ionization hydrogen gas releases.
すばる望遠鏡のFOCAS(微光天体分光撮像装置)を用いて撮像された画像です. 青と緑は,対応する可視光で観測した画像を, 赤は電離水素ガスが放つHα輝線の画像を用いて, 3色のカラー画像として合成したものです. | |
If the upper picture is seen,
there is filament structure which spread greatly in the vertical direction of the galaxy plane.
Its figure is obviously strange as the galaxy.
There was an opinion of having become such unique form,
since there was large explosion in a main core once.
However, since explosive star formation activities (starburst phenomenon) occurred in this galaxy
just recently (even if it says from tens of millions of to 100 million years before),
it is thought that such structure arose now.
このような特異な形状になったのだ,という説がありました. By courtesy of the Subaru Telescope / NAOJ |
Optical Spectrum of M82
Emission of Hα, [NII] and [SII] are visible in optica spectrum of M82.
Hα looks stronger than [NII].
This is the feature of the spectrum of the starburst galaxy.
In M82, the star is also formed actively now as well as the M51.
However, in M82, the intense starburst has happend extraordinary than M51.
M82の可視光スペクトルには, Hαの輝線のほかに[NII]や[SII]の輝線が出ています. Hαが[NII]より強く見えており, これは爆発的星形成銀河(スターバースト銀河)のスペクトルの特徴です. M51銀河などと同様に,M82銀河では, 現在でも活発に星が形成されていることを意味しています. M51との違いは,M82では,爆発的星形成(スターバースト)の規模が, 桁違いに大きいことです. By courtesy of T.T.Takeuchi, T.T.Ishii (Kyoto Univ.) |
自然科学書出版 裳華房 SHOKABO Co., Ltd.