Cluster of Galaxies

The groups consist of thousands of galaxies is called Cluster of Galaxies. They have spread to the space which amounts to no less than 10 million light years, and many large mass galaxies like the huge elliptical galaxy are comparatively seen near the center.

The cluster of galaxies is observed through X-rays, it turns out that high temperature plasma which amounts to tens of millions to 100 million degrees exists.

数千個の銀河が集団となっているものを銀河団(cluster of galaxies)と呼びます. 1000万光年にもおよぶ空間に広がっており, 巨大楕円銀河のように質量の大きい銀河が比較的中心近くに多く見られます.
可視光で見た銀河団は,まさに銀河の集団そのものです. しかし,X線で銀河団を観測すると, 数千万から1億度に達するような高温プラズマが存在しているのがわかります.

Virgo Cluster
Coma Cluster
Ophiuchus Cluster
Centaurus Cluster
Cluster Abell 2218
Cluster Abell 3627
Cluster CL 0016+16
Cluster RX J1347.5-1145

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