
The Moon is the unique satellite of the Earth. In the near side there exist high land, where there are many craters and looks bright, and sea, where there are few craters and looks darkly. Some looks a rabbit in the pattern of features on the Moon, while some sees a face in the pattern. In the far side, on the other hand, there is few sea areas. The moon is such a large satellite that it is about one fourth of the Earth in radius. The moon has various influences, such as tides, on the Earth.
月は地球の唯一の衛星で,いつも同じ面を地球に向けています. いわゆる表側(ニアサイド)には, クレーターが多く明るく見える地域(高地) とクレーターが少なく暗く見える地域(海;17%)があり, それらが,あるときはウサギに見えたり, またあるときは人の顔に見えたりします. 一方,裏側(ファーサイド)には海はほとんどありません.
衛星としては,母天体に対して不釣り合いな大きさで (地球の約1/4の大きさ), 潮汐効果など地球にもさまざまな影響を及ぼします.

By courtesy of K.Tanabe (1997/10/16 in Osaka Kyoiku Univ.)

Moon seen through X-rays

This image is reproduced from ROSAT Mission/Max-Planck-Institut
fur extraterrestrische Physik.
Image credit: Schmitt

Moon by the ROSAT

The Moon reflects a solar light and is shining. The light from the Sun and a part of X-rays are random-reflected, without being absorbed on the surface of the Moon. Therefore, if the Moon is seen through X-rays, only the portion equivalent to which light has been shines and looks like seeing with visible light. Moreover, the spectrum of the Moon become the same with a solar spectrum generally in visible light.

月は太陽の光を反射して輝いています. 太陽からの光やX線の一部も, 月の表面で吸収されずに乱反射されます. そのため,X線で月を見ると, 可視光で見たときと同じように満ち欠けした形を示します.
また月のスペクトルは,可視光の領域では, 太陽のスペクトルとだいたい同じものになります.

Moon by the ASCA

The left is the X ray picture of the Moon observed with the SIS detection of ASCA. It turns out that the portion currently compared with the sun has shone as well as visible light.

左は あすか のSIS検出器で得られた,月のX線画像です. このように可視光と同じく,太陽に照らされている部分が光っているのがわかります.

By courtesy of H.Negoro (RIKEN)

X-ray Spectrum of the Moon
A top is the X-ray spectrum of the Moon observed with the SIS detection of ASCA. With the energy of 0.5keV, X-rays look strong. This is considered to be the fluorescence X-rays of oxygen. This is considered to be the X-rays emitted as a result of exciting the oxygen atom which is in the Moon through the X-rays from the Sun. If it sees only with energy higher than this emission line, The Moon looks almost pitch-black, since most is the fluorescence X-rays of this oxygen so that a spectrum may also show.

上は同じく あすか のSIS検出器で得られた,月のX線スペクトルです. 0.5keVのエネルギーでX線が強いことがわかります. これは,酸素の蛍光X線であると考えられていて, 太陽からのX線などで月にある酸素原子が励起された結果, 放射されるX線であると思われます. スペクトルからもわかるように, ほとんどがこの酸素の蛍光X線であるため, この輝線よりも高いエネルギーだけで見ると, 月はほとんど真っ暗に見えます.

By courtesy of H.Negoro (RIKEN)

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