
土星は木星と同じくガスでできた惑星ですが, 平均密度は水より小さく,1cm3あたり0.7gしかありません. また,美しい環を持つことで有名です.


Saturn is a gaseous planet like Jupiter, and its mean density is less than that of water, indeed only 0.7g/cm3. Saturn is very famous by its beautiful ring.

The top panel is Saturn observed by CAC (Casegrain Adjustment Camera) of the Subaru Telescope. This is a composite image of those observed with three filters of B band (blue), V band (green), and R band (red).

On the surface of Saturn, there exist striped patterns running parallel to the equator. These are similar to those seen on Jupiter, but simple. The diameter of the famous ring of Saturn is 2.26 times larger than Saturn itself. The ring is made of ice grains of the order of cm or meter size, and is divided into A to F rings. The gap between the A and B rings, seen in the above image, is called Cassini's Division.

上:すばる望遠鏡のCAC (カセグレン調整用カメラ)で撮影した土星. Bバンド(青),Vバンド(緑),Rバンド(赤)の3フィルターで撮像した後, カラー合成したもの.

木星と同様に赤道に平行な縞模様がありますが,構造はもっと単純です. 有名な輪を持ち,その直径は本体の2.26倍あります. 土星の環はcmないしmサイズの氷の粒でできており, A環からF環まで分れています. 上の画像では,外側のA環とB環の間に, 発見者にちなんでカシニの空隙と呼ばれる隙間が見えています.

By courtesy of the Subaru Telescope / NAOJ

This is Saturn seen with 3 filters, blue (436.2nm), red (751.2nm) and infrared (885.9nm). It was observed with 65cm refractor telescope at Hida Astronomical Observatory in November, 2000.

上:2000年11月頃,飛騨天文台65cm屈折望遠鏡で撮影. 青色(436.2nm),赤色(751.2nm),近赤外色(885.9nm)のフィルターを用いて撮影.

By courtesy of the Hida Astronomical Observatory / Kyoto Univ.

Appearance of the Ring of Saturn

The ring of Saturn changes its appearance with time. The left panel shows the change of the ring appearance from 1996 to 2000.

Appearance of the Ring of Saturn(GIF animation)

Copyright (NASA / Hubble Space Telescope Public Pictures)

Aurora in Saturn

Aurora is seen in the planets with the ionospheric atmosphere like Earth.

The left panel is the image observed in the ultraviolet wavelengths.



Copyright (NASA / Hubble Space Telescope Public Pictures)


タイタンは1655年,ホイヘンスにより発見された土星最大の衛星です. それだけに明るく,8等級で見えています. 直径は約5000kmで,水星よりやや大きいくらいです. 比重は2程度で,木星のガニメデやカリストに似ています. 左写真のように赤っぽく見え,衛星の中では珍しく大気があり, 大気中のメタンが検出されています. 大気の主体は窒素で,約80%を占めています. 地表の気圧は1.6気圧,温度は90Kほどと推定されており, 窒素やメタンの海などを想定している人もいます. 高分子などもあるものと見られています.
Titan is the largest satellite of Saturn discovered by Huygens in 1655. Since it is large, Titan is very bright and visible by 8 magnitude. The diameter is about 5000km and a slightly larger than Mercury. Specific gravity is about 2, and it resembles that of Ganymede and Callisto of Jupiter. It looks reddish like a left image. Among various satellites, Tital has an atmosphere. Although methane is detected, about 80% of the atmosphere is nitrogen. It is supposed that the atmospheric pressure of the surface is 1.6 atmospheric pressure, and the temperature is about 90K. Therefore some person suppose that there is a sea of nitrogen and methane.

Copyright (NASA / Hubble Space Telescope Public Pictures)

Optical Spectrum of Saturn

It is the low dispersion spectrum of Saturn observed at the Bisei Astronomical Observatory. Since the sunlight reflected by the clouds in the Saturn atmosphere is seen, spectrum of Saturn resembles to the solar spectrum.

The absorption lines by methane and ammonia, which are contained in the Saturn atmosphere, are also visible in the spectrum. The absorption line by methane can be seen in 620nm and near 730nm, and the absorption line by ammonia can be seen near 650nm. A sharp absorption line is caused by the sunlight.

美星天文台で観測された土星の低分散スペクトルです. 土星大気中の雲によって反射された太陽光を見ているため, 太陽スペクトルによく似ています.

スペクトルには,土星大気中に含まれているメタン(CH4) やアンモニア(NH3)による吸収線も見えています. 幅広い吸収線がそうで,620nm,730nm付近にはメタン, 650nm付近にはアンモニアによる吸収線が見えています. 鋭い吸収線は太陽光によるものです.

By courtesy of R.Furusho (JST), H.Kawakita (Gunma Astronomical Observatory), Bisei Asronomical Observatory

Absorption line of the Sun, the Saturn atomosphere and the Earth atomosphere are visible in the spectrum of Saturn. The solar absorption line (line in which wavelength was written) was reflected with the atmosphere of Saturn, and inclination becomes large most in response to the doppler shift twice. Inclination is not visible in the absorption line (line shown by ↓) of the earth atmosphere. The absorption line (it is not visible here) of the Saturn atmosphere shows the middle inclination.

土星のスペクトルには太陽の吸収線,土星大気の吸収線, 地球大気の吸収線が重なって写ります. 太陽の吸収線(オングストローム単位の波長が書き込まれたライン) は土星の大気で反射されたもので, 2回ドップラー偏移を受けて最も傾きが大きくなります. 地球大気の吸収線(↓で示したライン)には傾きは見られません. 土星大気の吸収線(ここには写っていない)はその中間の傾きを示します.

By courtesy of W.Tanaka (NAOJ)

Shift of Spectral Line by the Doppler Effect
Shift of spectral line is visible by the doppler effect.
土星のドップラー効果によって, スペクトル線の偏移している様子がわかります.

By courtesy of W.Tanaka (NAOJ)

Saturn in Near Infrared

左:西はりま天文台のNIHCOS(近赤外線カメラ)が撮影した土星. 上がKバンド(2.2μm),下がJバンド(1.1μm)で撮影したものです.

東京大学, 鹿児島大学などと共同開発を進めてきた近赤外線カメラ NIHCOSが最終調整段階に入り, ファーストライトとして土星の撮像を行いました.

カメラはJバンド(1.1μm),Hバンド(1.6μm), Kバンド(2.2μm)の3つのバンドに対応していますが, ここではJバンドとKバンドのフィルターによる撮影を試みました.
Jバンド(下)では可視光のイメージとあまり変りませんが, Kバンド(上)ではメタンによる吸収のために土星本体は見えません. 

The left panel is Saturn observed by NIHCOS (Near Infrared Camera) at Nishi Harima Astronomical Observatory; the top in K band (2.2μm), and the bottom in J band (1.1μm). Although the camera corresponded to three bands, J band (1.1μm), H band (1.6μm), and K band (2.2μm), it was observed with the filter of J band and K band here.

Although J band (below) seldom changes with the image of visible light, as for a Saturn main part, it does not appear in K band (above) for absorption by methane.

By courtesy of Nishi Harima Astronomical Observatory

Near Infrared Spectrum of Saturn

It is the near infrared spectrum of the equatorial region of Saturn. The central part is the absorption line of NH3 and CH4.

Although it does not understand clearly with this image, there is no absorption line of NH3 and CH4 in the spectrum of the ring. Moreover, in the solar absorption line, inclination is visible by reflecting Kepler movement of the particle of a ring.

土星の赤道域の近赤外線スペクトルです. 中央部はNH3とCH4の吸収線です. 自転によるドップラー効果のため,吸収線がわずかに傾いています. 地球大気の吸収線には傾きがなく, また太陽の吸収線は惑星本体の吸収線の約2倍傾いています. この写真でははっきりとわかりませんが, 土星本体の上下に写っている環のスペクトルには, NH3やCH4の吸収線がなく, 太陽の吸収線には環の粒子のケプラー運動を反映して, 傾き(双曲線の一部)が見られます.

By courtesy of W.Tanaka (NAOJ)

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