(Sample Pages)

(About the Authors)
Jan Březina
柳田 英二 Eiji Yanagida
やなぎだ えいじ
1957年 富山県生まれ.東京大学工学部卒業,東京大学大学院工学系研究科博士課程修了.金沢工業大学講師,宮崎大学助教授,東京工業大学助教授,東京大学助教授,東北大学教授を経て現職.
Introduction to Calculus in English
九州大学准教授 Ph.D. ヤン・ブレジナ
東京工業大学教授 工博 柳田英二 共著
Bibliographic Information
eISBN 978-4-7853-7143-2
This textbook is for anybody interested in understanding the basic elements of university calculus.
An English speaker (staying in Japan) who wants to learn "Japanese" calculus can find it here in English and even get acquainted with the Japanese mathematical jargon. If you want to study mathematics in Japan, this textbook will make your first steps a piece of cake! No matter who you are, whenever new terminology appears you can learn it here in both English and Japanese. The text contains furigana (Japanese reading aid) for each new kanji (Japanese character) to ensure a gentle progress.
The textbook is divided into two main parts. Part I is the "computational" one. It contains a revision of "high school" calculus for functions of a single variable and it then focuses on a "quick" application of calculus in several variables. In particular, we give the "know-how" to differentiate and integrate functions differentiate of several variables. Part II is the "theoretical" one. We give a rigorous mathematical explanation of the solution to each of the elementary questions that we treated as "obvious" in Part I. In particular, we show what limit, derivative and integral "really" mean.
※この電子書籍は,2019年に刊行された『Introduction to Calculus in English[POD版]』(第1版1刷)を元に電子書籍化したものです.
Information to Assist(サポート情報)
◎ → Paper Book(Print-on-Demand);紙の書籍版[POD版]の紹介ページへ
◎ Solutions to selected problems(問題解答) (pdfファイル,2019/3/25現在)
◎ Preface(まえがき) (pdfファイル)
◎ Index(索引) (pdfファイル)
Contents(目次) (章タイトル) → 詳細目次
Part I Elementary Calculus
1.Calculus in a single variable
2.Differential calculus in several variables
3.Integral calculus in several variables
Part II Foundation of Analysis
4.Sets, points and real numbers
5.Limit and continuity
Preface(まえがき) (pdfファイル)
Part I Elementary Calculus
1.Calculus in a single variable
1.1 Elementary concepts
1.2 Differentiation
1.3 Primitive function
1.4 Riemann integral
2.Differential calculus in several variables
2.1 Limit and continuity
2.2 Partial derivatives
2.3 Higher order partial derivatives
2.4 Chain rule
3.Integral calculus in several variables
3.1 Integration over bounded sets
3.2 Multiple and iterated integrals
3.3 Transformation of variables
3.4 Improper Riemann integral
3.5 Applications of Riemann integral
Part II Foundation of Analysis
4.Sets, points and real numbers
4.1 Finite and infinite sets
4.2 Infinite sequences of points
4.3 Completeness of real numbers
5.Limit and continuity
5.1 Limit
5.2 Continuity
5.3 Properties of continuous functions
6.1 Differentitiation (single variable)
6.2 Indeterminate forms
6.3 Taylor's Theorem
6.4 Differentiation (several variables)
6.5 Local extrema (several variables)
6.6 Implicit Function Theorem
6.7 Constrained extrema
7.1 Series of numbers
7.2 Infinite sequences of functions
7.3 Series of functions
7.4 Power series
7.5 Taylor series
Darboux integral

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(Book by Prof. Yanagida)

理工系の数理 数値計算
(Numerical Computation)
微分積分 主要教科書一覧

